Istanbul Airport Launches Video Call Center to Enhance Accessibility

Istanbul Airport, in collaboration with Turkcell’s Global Bilgi division, announces the launch of a groundbreaking video call center offering 24/7 support for hearing and visually impaired passengers. This innovative service prioritizes accessibility and aims to enhance the travel experience for all guests.

Key Features of the Video Call Center:

  • Live Visual and Audio Support: Passengers can connect with trained staff via video call for real-time assistance with navigating the airport, obtaining information, or addressing any concerns.
  • Screen Sharing Capability: The call center offers screen sharing functionality, allowing staff to visually guide passengers through processes or share relevant information.
  • Sign Language Services: Hearing impaired individuals can access dedicated support through sign language interpreters, ensuring seamless communication.

Enhanced Navigation with “Route With Me” App:

In addition to the video call center, visually impaired passengers can utilize the “Route With Me” feature within the official IGA Istanbul Airport mobile app. This internal navigation tool provides clear, audio-guided directions to help them navigate the airport independently.

Impact and Benefits:

The implementation of this video call center and the integration of accessible features within the mobile app demonstrate Istanbul Airport’s commitment to inclusivity. Passengers with hearing or visual impairments can now navigate the airport with greater confidence and enjoy a smoother, more comfortable travel experience.